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New York C-Section Lawyer Review Of Rising Surgery Rate To Prevent Syracuse Birth Injury

We frequently blog about labor and delivery complications, including precipitate delivery, gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, and placenta accrete. Each can lead to serious injury to a baby, such as cerebral palsy.

Some Syracuse labor and delivery complications can be avoided if a baby is delivered by cesarean section (c-section), rather than a vaginal delivery. A recent study on 230,000 deliveries in 19 hospitals around the country revealed that about 1/3 of the babies were born by c-section. Rates are expected to continue rising because most women experience repeat c-section, rather than a vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC).

According to Syracuse birth injury lawyers Bottar Law, PLLC, the medical industry was quick to blame the rise in abdominal deliveries on obstetrical medical malpractice claims and doctors practicing “defensive medicine.” However, the study did not cite legal concerns as the basis for the statistical increase. Rather, it cited “chemically-induced” labors as the primary reason for c-sections. Indeed, women whose labor was induced were twice (2x) a likely to have a c-section. The chemical commonly used to induce labor is Pitocin or “pit.”

Pitocin (Oxytocin) was not intended for use in pregnant women. Nevertheless, it has been used “off-label” for years to stimulate contractions. This can be dangerous because a pregnant woman’s response to chemicals used to induce labor can be difficult to predict and control. Too few contractions will not result in a delivery; whereas, too many contractions may lead to fetal distress. The failure to progress, also known as a prolonged second stage of labor, and fetal distress marked by decelerations may result in a c-section.

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