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Articles Posted in Informed Consent


Summary Judgment Granted in Medical Malpractice Case

A woman suing a doctor, a physician’s assistant (“PA”), and a surgical center for malpractice, as a result of receiving an operation on the wrong knee, is entitled to partial summary judgment on the issue of liability, according to a Bronx judge. Following an automobile accident, the plaintiff sought treatment…


Syracuse DePuy ASR Hip Recall Lawyers Encourage New York Implant Recipients Not To Sign Medical Release

On August 24, 2010, DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc., a company owned by Johnson & Johnson, issued a recall for its ASR XL Acetabular System and its DePuy ASR Hip Resurfacing System because of higher than average revision rates, discussed in detail here on our website, and in our blog post entitled…


Syracuse Medical Malpractice Lawyer Named President of New York State Academy of Trial Lawyers

Syracuse medical malpractice lawyer Anthony S. Bottar, managing partner of Bottar Law, PLLC, one of Upstate New York’s oldest law firms with a practice limited to medical malpractice, wrongful death, birth injuries, work injuries, brain injuries, and product/premises liability, was elected president of the New York State Academy of Trial…


Syracuse Surgery Mistake Lawyers Review FDA Informed Consent Rules

The Food and Drug Administration recently released a proposal to modify informed consent rules that apply to clinical trials. If the proposal is adopted, all clinical trials will have to be accompanied by a statement that “clinical trial information for such clinical trial investigations has been or will be submitted…

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