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Articles Posted in Hospital Mistakes


“Problem Lists” Might Create More of a Problem

Originally created by Dr. Lawrence Weed in the 1960s as a part of his recommendation for a problem-oriented medical record, a problem list, distilled to its basic form, is a document that states the most important health problems facing a patient, such as illnesses or diseases, injuries suffered, and anything…


Shorter Hospital Stays Attributed to Hospital Financing

According to a recent article out of the New York Times, shorter hospital stays are not because hospitalized patients are becoming younger and healthier.  In fact, by and large, today’s patients are actually older and sicker. Rather, shorter hospital stays may be attributed to hospital financing. According to the New…


Syracuse Hospitals Penalized for Patient Safety Incidents

Crouse Hospital and St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center are being penalized by the federal government for having high rates of avoidable patient complications. They are among 758 U.S. hospitals – 46 in New York – having their payments from Medicare reduced by 1 percent over the course of the federal…


Nearly a Third of Medical Residents Experience Depression

According to a paper published in the new issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, more than one in four doctors in the early stages of their careers have signs of depression, and their patients – now and in the future – may suffer because of it. The…


Maternal Mortality Rate on the Rise

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of women dying because of pregnancy and childbirth is going up. More than 25 years ago (1987), there were 7.2 deaths of mothers per 100,000 live births; in 2011, that number more than doubled to 17.8 deaths per 100,000…


Medication Errors Common Before, During and After Surgery

According to a recent study, medication errors or adverse drug events occurred in about half of all surgeries done at one of the nation’s most preeminent hospitals.  Specifically, over the course of an eight-month period in 2013-2014, researchers observed randomly selected operations at Boston’s Massachusetts General Hospital (“MGH”), and documented…


Syracuse Crouse Hospital Mistakes Logged By Medicare: Retained Objects, Falls and Infections

According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”), between October of 2008 and June of 2010, more than 11,000 Medicare-eligible patients received care and treatment at Crouse Hospital in Syracuse, New York. During that time period, at least two patients experienced a 100% preventable surgical complication known as…


VA Medical Malpractice Lawsuits For Injury and Death Low In Syracuse New York

According to, a study published by The Project on Government Oversight suggests that Syracuse’s Veterans Administration Medical Center, also known as the Syracuse VA, has very few medical malpractice claims filed against it. There may be a number of reasons for the low volume and size of claims against…


Weekend Stroke Misdiagnosis Risk Lower At Designated Centers In Syracuse

According to the American Heart Association, patients with stroke symptoms who are admitted to a hospital over a weekend have a higher risk of death than those admitted on a weekday. The risk is more than 17% higher. “This known as the weekend effect,” said Syracuse medical malpractice lawyer Michael…


Hamilton Community Hospital To Affiliate With Crouse To Improve Quality of Care

“Hospital errors result in the death of nearly 200,000 Americans every year,” said New York wrongful death lawyer Michael A. Bottar, Esq. In an effort to improve patient care, and to attract more doctors, upgrade its information/technology systems and stabilize its finances, Community Memorial Hospital, located at 150 Broad Street…

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